"Setting the Gospel to Music"
Lewis & Lewis would like to share with you a few of the ministries that we have helped to support. Perhaps you would like to include them on your prayer list or your missions giving. Also below this list, you will find a story about a wonderful group of your fellow Brothers and Sisters In Christ Lewis & Lewis met a few years ago... Whose story we pray will bless and inspire you...!
The Lord's House
Holden, WV
Several years ago, a friend booked Lewis & Lewis to sing in a little church in West Virginia called The Lord's House. We were told that the folks were meeting in an old building which was dilapidating. They had plans to build, but that was somewhere in the future, and they were completely waiting and trusting in the Lord to supply the funds and the opportunity.
When we drove up and unloaded, we noted that what we'd been told was true.
The little sanctuary held a piano, a pulpit, and several chairs, and there
was a tiny room in the back where they had a refrigerator and microwave,
etc. That was their "fellowship hall."
Well, folks, we had a singing that night! These folks were Very Special, dedicated to their work for the Lord. It didn't matter what the building looked like! After the singing we were served hot dogs and pop. And, we had fellowship!
That little congregation became very important to us; they were, and still are in every sense of the word our dearest friends as well as our Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Their pastor is a phenomenal man of God. He is loved by everyone! His faith never waivers. Every time we'd visit there, it seemed like whatever Rev. Bob Wooten said was just what we needed to hear. We would always leave with our cup full to the brim and running over!
Obviously the congregation of The Lord's House was praying that the Lord would make it possible for them to find another church building. On one of our visits, we did a song called "When It's In The Master's Plan." This song was written by another pastor friend of ours, Rev. Jimmy Turner. It's a true story about a church where he was pastor, and everyone felt God was leading them to build a new church building. Unfortunately, they couldn't find financing for their building program. They went to ten banks and were turned down by all ten. They knew it was God's will for them to build, so they just kept trusting God to "make a way." Then an oil company representative came by and asked permission to drill on the church property. They struck oil and drilled five wells. The income produced from these oil wells provided the finances for their new church building!
Rev. Bob Wooten and his congregation at The Lord's House latched onto the message of that song, believing that God would make a way for them to get their new church.
We continued to
visit the little store front church about once a year. Then last year
we got some good news on the phone; God's timing had finally come...
Around the corner,
less than a block away from The Lord's House stood a beautiful old Methodist
church that had been there since the early 1900's. It had finally
decided to close its doors because all of the congregation had died or were
just too old to get out to go to church anymore. The remaining members
of the board decided to put the church up for sale. It was worth 'way
over $100,000 and of course that was the asking price. When they found
out that The Lord's House was looking for another building, they called Rev.
Wooten to ask if he was interested. He responded, "There's no way our
little congregation can afford what you're asking, but thanks for calling
us." A little time passed and the board called him
and asked, "What can you afford?" Rev. Wooten said, "Not nearly what
you'd have to have. In fact, I'd be embarrassed to tell you what we
could afford." More time passed, and then Rev. Wooten was contacted
again. This time the board made the offer! It was approximately
one-third of what the church was worth and it was almost exactly what the
Lord's House had in their building fund! Well, not only did they get
the church, the board gave them everything inside as well, including lots of
antique silver, pianos, antique dining sets, and several other things of
value. The stained glass window behind the pulpit is worth about third
of what they paid for the church!
Talk about a miracle! Talk about renewing of faith! When it's in the Master's plan, it's worth waiting for!
This little congregation had met in a small, dismal room for years, waiting on the place that they knew God had in store for them somewhere, and now they were rewarded. Talk about a miracle! Talk about renewing of faith! They can tell you what that's all about...at The Lord's House.