"Setting the Gospel to Music"
IF GOD CAN'T FAIL, YOU CAN'T LOSE By Ray Lewis God said He’d never leave us or forsake us, and He brought that home to me several years ago in the middle of a Pity Party. Ever had one of those? (Never mind, don’t answer that J).
Right in the middle of that Pity Party while I was singing, "Oh woe is me, poor me, why is this happening to good ol' me," God let a little chorus float through my mind that I used to sing when I was just a little child. I hadn't even thought of that song in half a century...it had never entered my mind in all that time. Never. But there it was, clear as a bell..."Never faileth, never faileth, Jesus never fails." "Wow!" I thought..."If God never fails" (I knew He didn't), "and if I belong to Him" (I knew I did), then the bottom line was, I said to myself, "I can't fail!" Destroyed my Pity Party. I left that party and wrote this song, and I hope you read every word of it so that you can get hold of the same message that God sent to me the day it was inspired...God can't fail, and if you belong to Him, you can't lose! Watch this page...In the future there'll be a story posted here of how this song saved a man's life.
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